Voice Alchemy Community Sacred Circle (3-Pack)

Voice Alchemy Community Sacred Circle (3-Pack)


Register in advance for 3 Sacred Circles and receive an $11 discount.

Join us for our November edition of the Voice Alchemy Community Sacred Circle.

We will be gathering via Zoom on Saturday, November 26th at 11 am EST / 8 am PST / 4pm UK time for 75 - 90 mins.

The intention: To come together in community in a sacred space where we can practice and use our voices, where we can share and be nourished by the medicine of our togetherness, and where we can create a ripple of healing and amplify LOVE as we explore our miraculous instruments.

It is a true JOY gathering with our amazing community for these sacred circles.

They are such a beautiful way to share space and connect, and I look forward to seeing what magic we will make together this month!

The theme for our November Sacred Circle circle will be

We will delve into an exploration of what it means to be a vessel for creation and what it requires of us to bring forth new life, both in our expression and as we step into ever new versions of ourselves in our lives.

We will unpack the theme in an opening discussion,
through journaling prompts and in a group sharing circle.

As always, we will share in a guided practice with the aim of alchemizing and releasing anything that we are ready to let go and make space for the new that we are cultivating and amplifying.

I look forward to being in sacred space with you all, to diving into this month’s exploration and enjoying practicing together!

WHEN: Saturday, November 26th at 11am / 8am PST / 4pm UK Time for 75 - 90 mins.

I'm IN!