I have a gift for you…
It is a gift of MUSIC MEDICINE MAGIC that has been slowly making its way into the world in a most sacred way, being passed on from hand to hand, with love and intention.
As the artist, I have been guided and inspired to share the creation in this way, one person at a time, through the act of intentional gifting.
The creation can best be described as...
A book of songs
A musical painting
A collection of prayers
A tapestry of ideas
A wellspring of inspiration
A medicine basket of sound potions
In a more traditional sense, it's an album of songs and music for the heart and soul. It was birthed this past summer after two years of receiving the messages, melodies, songs and vision, which were born of my intention to be used as an instrument for the purest expression of Love & Oneness.
It's called LION and its message speaks of finding our courage and overcoming anything that stands in the way of our fullest potential and power. Through my own inner whispers and higher guidance, as well as the resounding urging of my community, it’s clear that this creation's time to be shared more widely has come, and that its message and medicine are just what many are needing right now.
Below, you will find a list of all the songs in the collection, along with a short description of the message and medicine each offers. My invitation to you is to TUNE IN to what you are most needing in this moment, and to which ONE SONG is calling to you most.